How to train your cat to walk on a leash?

November 27, 2023

Cats, with their independent and often inscrutable nature, may not seem like the ideal candidates for leash training. However, with the right approach and understanding, training your cat to walk on a leash can be a rewarding experience for both of you, expanding their horizons and enhancing their safety outdoors. Unlike their canine counterparts, cats require a unique set of training techniques and considerations that cater to their distinct behavior and comfort levels. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps of harness and leash training your cat, ensuring a positive and successful experience.

Selecting the Right Harness and Leash

Before you even begin the process of training your cat, choosing the right cat harness and leash is crucial. The harness should be snug yet comfortable, without restricting your cat’s movement. A well-fitted harness will help your kitty feel secure and prevent them from slipping out and potentially running into danger.

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Introduction to Harness Options

There are various styles of harnesses available for cats, including the H-style and the vest-style harnesses. H-style harnesses are minimal and allow more freedom of movement, while vest-style harnesses offer more coverage and can distribute pressure more evenly across your cat’s body. Look for a harness that is adjustable and made from a breathable material to ensure your cat remains comfortable while wearing it.

Importance of a Lightweight Leash

When it comes to the leash, opt for a lightweight option that won’t weigh your kitty down. A bungee or retractable leash can provide your cat with a bit of freedom to explore while still under your control. Avoid heavy chains or thick ropes that are typically used for dogs, as they can be uncomfortable and intimidating for your feline friend.

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Introducing Your Cat to the Harness

Introducing your cat to the harness is a step that should be approached with patience and positivity. This process involves getting your cat accustomed to the harness by allowing them to inspect it and gradually wearing it for short periods.

Making the Harness Familiar

Start by placing the harness near your cat’s favorite spots or where they spend a lot of time. The goal is to make the harness a familiar and non-threatening object in your cat’s environment. You can also incorporate the harness into playtime by dangling it like a toy or draping it over their back during cuddles.

Creating Positive Associations

As your cat becomes more familiar with the harness, begin to create positive associations by offering treats and affection when they show interest in it. This will help your cat understand that the harness is something good and not something to be feared.

Harness Training Your Cat

Once your cat is comfortable with the presence of the harness, the next step is to get them used to wearing it. Begin with short sessions inside your home and gradually increase the duration as your cat becomes more comfortable.

Starting with Short Sessions

Place the harness on your cat for just a few minutes at first, then slowly extend the time as they get used to the sensation. Always supervise your cat while they are wearing the harness to ensure they do not get caught on furniture or hurt themselves trying to escape it.

Reinforcing with Treats and Praise

Offering treats and praise during and after each session will reinforce the positive experience for your cat. If your cat remains calm and accepts the harness without much fuss, reward them for their good behavior.

Leash Training Steps

When your cat is comfortable wearing the harness, it’s time to introduce the leash. This is a critical phase where you will teach your cat to follow your lead without resistance.

Teaching Your Cat to Follow You

Begin by letting your cat walk around the house with the leash attached to the harness, but without holding onto it. This allows them to get used to the additional weight and feel of the leash dragging behind them. After a few sessions, start holding the leash and gently guiding your cat around the house. Use treats to entice them to follow you and reward them when they take steps in the right direction.

Practicing Inside Before Going Outdoors

Before you venture outdoors, practice walking your cat on a leash inside your home. This gives you both a chance to get comfortable with the dynamics of being tethered together in a safe and controlled environment.

Walking Your Cat Outdoors

Once your cat is confidently walking on a leash indoors, it’s time to take the big step outside. Make sure the first outdoor experiences are in a quiet, enclosed area to help your cat adjust to the new sights, sounds, and smells.

Introducing the Great Outdoors

The outdoors can be overwhelming for your cat initially, so keep the first few outings short and sweet. Stay close to home, and don’t push your cat to explore too much too soon. As your cat’s confidence grows, you can gradually increase the length and complexity of your walks.

Keeping Safety in Mind

Always prioritize your cat’s safety during outdoor excursions. Avoid areas with heavy traffic, loose dogs, or other hazards. Be vigilant and prepared to pick up your cat and retreat to safety if they become scared or threatened.


Leash training your cat offers a world of benefits, including exercise, mental stimulation, and the opportunity to strengthen your bond. By selecting the right harness and leash, making the harness familiar, gradually harness training, moving on to leash training steps, and finally introducing your cat to the outdoors, you can train your feline to enjoy walks just as much as any dog would.

Remember that every cat is unique, and the pace of training will vary. Be patient, follow your cat’s cues, and keep the experience positive with lots of praise and treats. With time and persistence, you will find that walking your kitty can be an enjoyable adventure for you both. Remember, the key to successful leash training is respecting your cat’s pace and comfort level, ensuring a happy and adventurous feline companion ready to explore the world by your side.